A dead breath and walked

US woman presumed as dead

A dead body starts walking and inhaling air.

The incident is about a 66-year-old woman who was declared dead by the hospital care on Wednesday 3 January 2023.

Following the issue, the hospital facilities in Iowa have been fined with $ 10,000 after mistakenly declaring the woman dead.

A nurse working a 12 hours shift at Glen oaks Alzheimer's special care centre in Urbandale examined the woman and information that she was not breathing and her pluses are not responding at 6 Am.

According to the nurse, before declaring the woman dead she waited for 5 minutes and in the whole procedure from the documentation and placing her body into the funeral bag, the lady didn't respond.

The report by the hospital said that the woman has no sigh of life and when seen her eyes were fixed and her mouth was opened and there was no sign of breath

After an hour and 40 minutes the funeral director zipped her and sent to the funeral house. Once the body reached to the funeral house and the staff opened the bag, she showed movement and gasped for air.

The staff immediately called 911 and sent the lady back to the hospital where she died on 5 January.

The director of the hospital Glen Oaks, Lisa Eastman didn't respond to the incident till Friday when she cleared the exact incident and told that the staff is in close communication with the deceased family.


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