Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Signs and Symptoms

October is Breast cancer awareness month, it is an annual campaign to raise awareness about breast cancer

Breast cancer is a type of cancer that occurs in the breast area of the body. It occurs when cells of the body grow more or out of control. Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of death globally. It affects both men as well as women. One of the most common cancers in women, it affects around 2.1 million women each year. It usually forms a tumour and can be seen via x-ray or also felt like a hard type of lump near the breast area of the body.

Signs and signals of breast cancer:

Things to keep in mind and must be aware of your body parts as well as a few symptoms. Females must be cautious regarding this.

  1. Most breast cancers occur at the ducts that carry milk (ductal cancers)
  2. Some start in the gland to make breast milk (lobular cancer).
  3. Phyllodes and angiosarcoma are the types of breast cancer that are less common.
  4. Sarcomas and lymphomas are types of a small number of cancers that start in other tissue in the breast but these are not considered breast cancers.
  5. Change in shape and size of the breast- it is very common that breasts swell, shrink or it is painful sometimes. But you should be aware of this pain or size changes. you should quickly consult your doctor.
  6. Discharge from your breast area- you must be aware and consult your doctor for any type of discharge related to water, milk or blood type of substance.

 Redness in your breast area- is also a signal. This could be the first symbol of breast cancer which is affecting your nipple area.

Risk factors for breast cancer: 

  1. Family history-  may occur to them whose mother or sister is already infected with this.
  2. Dense breast tissue-  women with dense breast tissue have maximum chances to get affected with this. 
  3. Age- older the age, risk increases in women.
  4. obesity- overweight is also a symbol of this deadly problem.
  5. Oestrogen exposure-  early menstrual cycle or entering menopause later is also the symbol of developing breast cancer.

Types of breast cancer: 

There are different types of breast cancer. The common ones include ductal carcinoma in situ (DIS) and invasive carcinoma. There are others such as phyllodes, tumours and angiosarcoma.

Knowing about how it spreads to your body? 


It spreads when the cancer cells get mixed with blood or lymph and are carried to other parts of the body. Which impacts the overall part. 

According to the 2018 report, around 1,62,468 are registered cases of breast cancer and 87,090 are deaths that occured due to this. Whereas more than 50 % of Indian women from stage 3 and stage 4  suffer from breast cancer. It becomes more difficult in higher stages to survive with cancer.


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