Can Covid-19 affect the menstrual cycle?

According to some research and anecdotal reports, there is evidence that Covid-19 may affect one's period too.

In a long battle with Covid-19, several people across the globe lost their lives to the pandemic while many got exposed to the disease, fought hard and fortunately survived. Still, can we call it a victory? I guess not. Firstly, because the battle is not over yet. Secondly, the warriors have been left scarred for life. Many people who developed Covid-19, are experiencing long Covid or prolonged state of ill health in which most experience symptoms such as, fever, fatigue, headaches that linger for months. This disease has taken a toll on many and especially affected women in its own way. Women already had their tales of woes related to menstrual cycles and now according to some research and anecdotal reports, there is evidence that Covid-19 may affect one's period too.

Though little research has been done on the effect that Covid-19 may have on menstrual cycles, some anecdotal reports suggest changes such as, irregular periods, lighter or heavier periods, unusual clotting, missed periods and worsened premenstrual syndrome (PMS). According to a study published in Reproductive BioMedicine Online, menstrual data of 177 patients was analysed. It was found that of all menstrual records, 45, that is, 25% patients had changes in the menstrual volume, and 50, that is, 28% patients showed signs of menstrual cycle changes, which mainly consisted of patients with decreased menstrual volume (20%) and a prolonged cycle (19%).

Hence, to sum up the study, some people may go through temporary changes in their menstrual cycle, that is, volume and cycle duration. While, on the brighter side, most of them returned to their normal menstrual patterns after one or two months of having Covid-19.

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