Common Health problems faced during Winter season

Interaction with senior consultant/physiotherapist

With the upcoming arrival of the winter season, health problems start speeding up. The common issues faced during the winter season lead to hospital beds. Pre precautions must be taken to avoid hospital rounds. During an interaction with the senior Consultant, Dr Ramesh Katewa, who is a physiotherapist, we had an interaction related to common problems faced during winter.

It was asked about the most common health issues faced during winter?


He said, in winter people generally face some common issues like joint pain and muscle pain and asthma and fatigue. Knowing the reason for bones and what happens to them? Replying to it he said in winter blood flow to the peripheral areas in the body decreases which helps to keep the blood warm around the heart. For which the restricted blood flow leads to stiffness and pain in the joints. 

What happens to muscles in winter..? Replying to it, the senior consultant said, the cold weather causes muscles to lose more heat and contract which also causes tightness throughout the body, Muscles can lose their range of motion and nerves can more easily be pinched.


Detailing the reason behind the most common bone and muscle condition in winter he said, As temperature drops in winter, weather-related health problems speed up. Especially, for patients with bone and joints related issues. Pain, swelling, stiffness and fatigue. physiotherapy can help patients suffering from arthritis, muscles tightness and asthma 


Apart from illness, how physiotherapy helps in getting a speedy recovery? He said Joint pains and strengthening muscles are the most common health problem afflicting the lives of older people in low temperatures. There is a 50 per cent spike in the number of senior citizens seeking medication for bone and joint problems during winter.


Physiotherapy role— 

Various modalities like hot & cold therapy, TENS therapy, and therapeutic massages can help in managing joint pain & loosening muscles during winters. Also, your physiotherapist can suggest certain exercises/stretches to keep the pain at bay.



2nd problem:

Rheumatoid arthritis is another chronic ailment that worries people during winters. Its symptoms including pain, swelling, stiffness, fatigue, and other general rheumatoid arthritis symptoms are harder to control during the winter.

In this situation physiotherapy role — Physical therapy is an effective and safe treatment for organizing rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Under proper counselling individuals with rheumatoid arthritis can safely exercise, improving overall physical fitness, improved sense of wellbeing, and greater ease for activities of daily living


3rd problem:

Cervical Spondylosis, a situation influencing bones, discs, and joints of the neck of people have a tough time as temperatures dip in winter.


In this condition physiotherapy role— Physiotherapy plays an important role in the management of cervical Spondylosis. In the active part of physical therapy, a physical therapist teaches numerous exercises to improve flexibility, strength, core stability, and range of motion.


4th problem:

Asthma attacks are also activated by cold weather, as winters come with a lot of allergens in the air, being the main causative factor for asthma. People with asthma have sensitive airways, which gets aggravated by cold or damp weather situations.

In this condition, physiotherapy plays an important role—Diaphragmatic breathing exercises and pursuing lip breathing techniques are widely used in asthma to curb breathing abnormalities. Pursed lip breathing suppresses the trapping of air into the lungs.

With the arrival of a chilling cold season,  one must be safe and should be aware of the above-mentioned illness. Precautions must be taken with the consultation of the Doctor. 


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