Delhi witnesses "Moderate" air quality

On Thursday, the national capital witnessed clear skies which took the air quality to a moderate category with a minimum of 24 degrees of temperature.

As per the statement given by the India Meteorological Department (IMD), on Thursday the national Capital witnessed clear skies which took the air quality to a moderate category with a minimum of 24 degrees of temperature. Meanwhile, the maximum temperature was 34.9 degrees Celsius on Wednesday.

According to the Data given by the Central  Pollution board, it showed that the hourly air quality index (AQI) at 7 am was 116. Whereas the AQI on Wednesday stood at 114. Talking about AQI, between 0-50 it is under a good category, 51 to 100 is satisfactory, 101 to 200 is moderate and 201 to 300 is poor and very poor is 301 to 400. Whereas severe comes between 401 to 500.

Meanwhile, the Delhi Government is working hard towards controlling of air pollution. The government is also implementing several rules and programmes to stop the spread of pollution in the city. Whereas smog towers have also been set up in Delhi to minimise the air pollution.

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