Dermatologist shares tips to exfoliate your skin the right way

Dr. Neha Sharma, Estique Clinic

We all want radiant, glowing skin. But this can feel like an elusive skincare goal, especially as we age because cell turnover slows down and dead skin cells can give us a dull complexion. The good news is that with a proper exfoliating routine for your face and body, you can safely and effectively remove the layer of dead skin and restore your healthy, vibrant glow. 


While you might already know that exfoliating your skin gives it that fresh glow, helping it look better, we might know that it also improves the health of your skin. On a daily basis, our skin cells renew, and the cells that from the outer layers of your skin die as the new cells replace them. 


Exfoliation is the process of removing dead skin cells from the outer layer of your skin. It comes with multiple health benefits as well. It helps to brighten your complexion, improve the appearance of your skin, and crucially, it helps prevent pore clogging, acne spots, blackheads and whiteheads. Exfoliating also "helps stimulate collagen synthesis to improve the skin's texture, integrity, and keep the skin looking plump, tight and young". 


Dr. Neha Sharma, Dermatologist and founder, Estique Clinic noted down a few ways to exfoliate the skin in the right way and lead it to a glowing version. "There are different ways of exfoliating your skin. Physical and mechanical exfoliation and chemical exfoliation whereas facial scrubs from a part of physical exfoliation. Chemical exfoliation uses chemicals to break down surface skin cells. 


There are certain things that one should keep in mind while starting exfoliation. Beginners should start with gentle exfoliators only once a week. Physical exfoliant should not be used for over a couple of minutes. Chemical exfoliators should only be started under the guidance of a dermatologist. She laid down the rules of exfoliation: 


* For dry Skin - Physical exfoliation should be done once a week. 


* For oily skin - For the oily type of skin, both physical and chemical exfoliation works. 


* For combination type skin - Both physical and chemical exfoliation works for combination type skin as well. 


* For ageing skin - Chemical exfoliation is preferred for this skin type. 


* Fir sensitive skin - The dermatologist said that exfoliation should be avoided completely. 



Speaking of the method of exfoliation, Neha Sharma said, "When using a physical exfoliant like face scrub, first thoroughly cleanse using a face wash. Sweep a small amount of the exfoliant onto damp skin using very light pressure to prevent irritation and micro tears the skin. Don't skin the lips. Avoid the eyes area. If you are a beginner then exfoliate only for 30 seconds. Follow it up with a moisturizer." 


In case of the skin turning red, peeling, irritated or inflamed, exfoliation should be avoided. In case of medication or usage of benzoyl peroxide or retinols also, exfoliation should be avoided, recommended the dermat. 


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