Exercises to help you stay in shape during Covid-19 pandemic

If you include these exercises in your daily routine, you will surely see a difference!

When Covid-19 hit every part of the world in 2020, nobody knew what the future had in store for all of us and how drastically it would change our lives. It has been more than a year since the pandemic when two deadly waves crumpled the healthcare industry and the dreadful disease brought a period of physical, mental, emotional and social upheavals. Though people tried to adapt to the new normal, it has remained a constant struggle for everyone. Staying indoors while nowhere to go to, including gyms and parks, it has become crucial to exercise everyday in order to stay fit and healthy. If you include these exercises in your daily routine, you will surely see a difference!

1) Lunge- Lunges are done to strengthen and build muscles of the lower body including quadriceps (front of the thigh), glutes, hamstrings (back of the thigh) and calves. It is a simple exercise that will prove to be effective, if done on a regular basis.

2) Squat- It is another exercise that is done to strengthen the lower body. Squats work on the muscles that help in the daily tasks such as bending, climbing stairs, walking and even in carrying heavy loads. It even eases lower back pain and strengthens the core. Squats can be done with the help of weights such as dumbbells.

3) Crunch- Crunches are best for the abdominal region as it works on all abdominal muscles. It tightens and tones the belly. However, crunches should be avoided in case of back or neck injury.

4) Plank- It works on the abdominal region, back and shoulders. Planks slim the abs, shapes the waistline and definitely tightens the core. Planks are now preferred more than crunches as they put less strain on spine and hip flexors.

5) Push-up- It works on the upper region of the body, that is, pectoral or chest muscles, shoulders, abdominals and triceps. Push-up is a plank in motion, if done correctly, can work wonders.

In this new era, where people have to spend most of their time in front of the computer screen and there is minimum movement of body muscles, it may lead to diseases such as spondylitis, slip disc, cervical, sciatica and other diseases that are becoming common owing to the new static lifestyle. So, whether you are working from home or you are busy doing household chores, these five exercises can be done easily at home, with maximum output. The most amazing part is that these can be done at home without using any gym equipment. So give it a try and stay home, stay healthy!



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