Anti-tobacco law, one of the world’s strictest law has brought into force by Mexico. By enacting in public places total ban on smoking.


In 2021, first was taken and approved which includes a ban on tobacco advertising.


To create smoke-free public spaces, several other Latin American countries have also approved some orders in legislation.


In Americas, however Mexico’s legislation is includes in one of the most robust and wide-ranging.

In the world it amounts to one of the most stringent anti-smoking law.


 The existing 2008 law of Mexico, which made smoke free areas in bars, restaurants and workplace, now extended to an outright ban in all public places. Which also includes parks, beaches, hotels, offices and restaurants.


On the advertising, promotion and sponsorship of tobacco products, there will be a total ban, which means that even inside the shops cigarette cannot be shown.


To make new restrictions stricter Vapes and e-cigarette are also a subject, particularly indoors.


The step of Mexican government has welcomed by the pan American Health Organisation and applauded for implementing the ban.


According to the organisation, most preventable cause of death in the world is the use of tobacco which is a reason for nearly a million deaths in the Americas each year, due to direct consumption or either through exposure to second-hand smoke.


However, some smokers are dismayed at the draconian nature of the new law.


It creates an environment, in which many will only be allowed to smoke in their homes or other private residences.



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