Mystifying metal monolith found in Utah desert.

Helicopter Crew In Utah Desert Discover Mystical Monolith

During a fly-past over a remote south-eastern area of Utah desert in the USA, some wildlife officials noticed an “unusual” object. A metal monolith structure has been implanted in the ground in the middle of the red rock. The monolith which was installed was about 10-12ft (3.6m) in height and there is no evidence on who did that.

Bret Hutchings, the pilot of the helicopter said, “That’s been about the strangest thing that I have come across out there in all my years of flying”. He further added that a biologist who was counting the bighorn sheep was the first one to spot the monolith from the sky. Pilot Hatchings at first wondered that the metal monolith may have been inducted by ‘some new wave artist’ or a diehard fan of 1986 film named, 2001: A Space Odyssey which was directed by Stanley Kubrick.

The Utah Department of Public Safety Aero Bureau (UDPSAB) published images of the rectangular metal object in their press release last week where it said the authorities would determine ‘if they need to investigate further’.“It is illegal to install structures or art without authorization on federally managed public lands, no matter what planet you are from” , said the department of UDPSAB.The exact location of the monolith is yet to be disclosed by the department as they fear random explorers may search it out and end up getting stranded in the desert. As of now no one had claimed accountability of installing the metal structure.The highway patrol team of Utah turned on Instagram by writing a post “Inquiring minds want to know, what the heck is it? Anyone?”.


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