Twitter CEO Elon Musk is in the headlines these days because of his rules and policies. Again Elon Musk has managed to be in the headlines over his Tweets with an announcement for Twitter on Thursday Morning. “New Twitter policy is to follow the science, which necessarily includes reasoned questioning of the science,” he wrote, adding, “Anyone who says that questioning them is questioning science itself cannot be regarded as a scientist.”

Musk recently conducted a poll on Twitter, asking users whether he should step down as the CEO, and the majority of the users voted in favor of the idea, he clarifies about his resignation and tweeted, “I will resign as CEO as soon as I find someone foolish enough to take the job!”, further he added, he will only run “the software and servers teams”.

According to Reuters, on Wednesday Elon Musk claimed in an email to his employees that Tesla will become the world's most valuable company. He also urged them to increase deliveries by the end of this quarter. "By the way, don't be too concerned about the stock market's craziness. As we continue to deliver excellent results, the market will recognise... Long term, I believe Tesla will be the most valuable company on the planet! "In the email, he stated.


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