Oh! Are you stressed? Look Into These Tips To Manage Stress

It’s not stress that kills us, it’s our reaction to it: Hans Selye

It's been a very difficult phase for everyone during the peak of Covid-19. It could be a job crisis, irregular diet, Uneasiness, annoying behavior, and several other things that lead to stress.


What is Stress? 

Stress is a feeling (emotion) or physical tension that makes you angry, which allows you to get disturbed easily. It is a body's response to a challenge or a need.


Our human body has several things in our mind, our desires and wants are uncountable. When we can't complete it or we can say achieve it. We release an irritating emotion that results in stress. 


Dropping down a few easy and familiar points which should be enforced in our day to day schedule to overcome stress or to deal with it


EXERCISE- it is said, "A healthy body has a healthy Mind" right this is a very helpful way to deal with your emotions, work, and overcome your emotional/physical /mental issues. Working out is the best way to relax and calm your body and mind. One should work out for at least 1-2 hours daily. Try to relax your muscles by:

1. Stretching

2. Massaging

3. Shower

4. Proper sleep


DEEP BREATHING- Having deep breathing will make you overcome stress. Breathing is one of the powerful techniques which can be done at any place. It doesn't require any kind of equipment. Sit and relax and breathe. Process for having good deep breathing are:

 1.Sit in a proper asana position fold your legs

2.Close your eyes

3. Imagine yourself getting relaxed.

4.Start inhaling fresh air and exhale all your worries.

5.Imagine yourself going into peace 

6.Try these 5 -10 times a day.


TAKE A BREAK- If you have a busy schedule or engaging schedule try to have a break, relax yourself, give yourself a good time. Try to pamper. Self-love is one of the best ways to deal with oneself.  

1.Go for a meditation

2.Go for a yoga


4.Try to engage yourself in good music

5.Choose an option that boosts your energy

6.Choose the option which you love the most.


EXPRESS- one of the problems we face is the biggest reason that we never try to express our problem which takes us in suppression. Try to express your problem. Share it with the right person. It will always give you a solution or if not, it will guide you away and will relax your heavy heart and mind.


BE SOFT WITH YOURSELF- we need to accept ourselves; we need to accept things as not everyone is perfect. Some of the other people are dealing with one of the other problems. Don't be harsh with yourself. Try to laugh and love yourself in every toughest circumstances of your life. It will give you enthusiasm. Try to be self-motivated and respect yourself. 

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