The Rise of Golden India from Spiritual Empowerment...

On 3 January 2023, the President of India, Draupadi Murmu reached Rajasthan on a two day visit. During her visit, she will participate in various events and will launch various programs and projects. Governor kalraj Mishra and Chief minister Ashok Gehlot received her and headed to pay tribute to the martyrs at Amar Jawan Jyoti.

Afterwards, she will leave for the Raj Bhavan to inaugurate the Samvidhan (Constitution) Park in Jaipur and will meet the tribal leaders there.

Assembly speaker Dr. CP Joshi along with several ministers will be participating in the inauguration.

The park was designed to admire the constitutional journey of India. The Jaipur Development Authority laid the foundation stone on 26 January 2022 and built the park at a cost of Rs 9.66 crores and it will be open from today for the common people.

According to the Brahma Kumaris Executive Secretary, “She will explore as a chief guest and inaugurate a conference in Sirohi on "The Rise of Golden India from Spiritual Empowerment” by the Bahram Kumara Ishwariya Vishwavidyalaya. After that, she will depart for the night to Mount Abu at Brahma Kumari Sansthan's Gyan Sarovar”.  

On 4 January, the President will meet the National Scout Guide Jamboree in Pali District and will depart for Delhi at 4 PM.


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