Saudi Arabia to remove controversial restrictions on Foreign Workers

Saudi Arabia to remove key restrictions on migrants as a Labour Relation Initiative will come into effect in March 2021

Saudia Arabia will remove several restrictions on foreign workers in a labour policy overhaul that officials hope will attract overseas talent and reduce citizen unemployment.The restrictions from the controversial “Kafala” system that gives employers control over the lives of 10 million migrant workers will be eased by Saudi Arabia.

Sattam Alharbi who is a deputy minister at the Ministry of Human Resource and Social Development said that non-Saudis will no longer need their employer’s permission to change jobs, travel abroad or leave the country permanently. Currently the contractual restrictions prevent private sector workers from all these activities and need to seek permission from their employer.

The new rules apply to all foreign workers come into effect from 14 March 2021. Similar amends has been introduced recently in Qatar, which is preparing to host FIFA World Cup in 2022.

‘”Runway” reports that employers can file against foreign workers who stop showing up to their jobs- effectively rendering them fugitives- will be abolished and replaced with a procedure for ending their contract,’ said Alharbi on Wednesday in an interview.

Rothna Begum, Human Rights Watch Researcher provided more information on the matter saying it does not appear to be a full abolition of the “Kafala” system.“Migrant workers still need an employer to sponsor them to come to the country and employers may still have control over their residency status,” she added.


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