Viral Fever Spreading

Stay healthy with expert tips

The transition from winter to summer has led to a surge in seasonal fevers and infections nationwide. Despite some days being pleasant and breezy, others are unusually hot, heightening susceptibility to viral illnesses and vector-borne diseases. Experts attribute the rise in cases of viral fever, dengue, typhoid, and leptospirosis to various risk factors such as consumption of contaminated food and water, along with the onset of mosquito breeding season.


With winter behind us, the spring season brings about weather fluctuations as we anticipate the arrival of summer and the challenges posed by deadly heatwaves. Consequently, a surge in illnesses is being observed across different regions of the country.


It's crucial to refrain from consuming street food, adhere to social distancing guidelines, practice thorough handwashing, and take measures to prevent mosquito breeding. These precautions are essential to safeguard against the spread of illnesses during this transitional period.


"Given the fluctuating weather, which alternates between scorching heat and chilling cold, we also witness a surge in viral infections," explains Dr. Vikas Doshi, Consultant Physician at Bhailal Amin General Hospital in Vadodara. "Viruses utilize various transmission routes, including inhalation and mosquito bites, underscoring the importance of preventive measures in safeguarding health."


Dr. Doshi emphasizes several preventive measures to combat viral infections during fluctuating weather:


1. Hand Hygiene: Washing hands thoroughly with soap and water is crucial to reduce the risk of respiratory infections.


2. Avoid Close Contact: Minimize direct contact with sick individuals to lower exposure to airborne viruses.


3. Masking Up:Wearing masks, particularly when experiencing respiratory symptoms, serves as a barrier against inhaling infectious droplets.


4. Social Distancing: Maintain a safe distance from infected individuals, especially in crowded areas, to diminish airborne transmission risks.


Additionally, Dr. Doshi warns against food and waterborne infections, as well as vector-borne illnesses, and recommends the following preventive measures:


1. Safe Consumption Practices: Ensure the consumption of well-cooked foods and safe water sources to prevent infections such as Hepatitis A, Hepatitis E, and viral gastroenteritis.


2. Thorough Washing: Properly washing fruits and vegetables before consumption eliminates potential viral contaminants, reducing the risk of ingestion-based infections.


3. Avoiding Stale Food: Avoiding stale or expired food items helps prevent ingestion-based viral diseases.


4. Protective Clothing: Wearing full-sleeved cotton clothes minimizes exposure to mosquito bites, particularly in areas prone to diseases like dengue and chikungunya.


5. Mosquito Repellents: Using mosquito repellents helps deter mosquitoes, especially during peak activity hours.


6. Eliminate Breeding Sites: Regularly inspecting and eliminating stagnant water sources in and around homes reduces mosquito breeding grounds, lowering the risk of vector-borne illnesses.


Edited By: Arusha Farooq

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