Happy International Women's Day?

International Women's Day

Arising from the ashes of misogyny, sexism and patriarchy, we strived to climb the pioneering heights, setting remarkable examples in front of the world and inspiring a lot other women and men indeed. Definitely, in the society where women are taught to always stand behind a man, it becomes difficult to shine and own up success. With every passing day, women are proving that they are no less than men in any field, even superior to them in many. When opinions and ideas of women tend to pierce the ears of self proclaimed rule makers, we defied the social convention to establish ours and emerge victorious.

Women are never a burden or commodity to anyone; instead they are an asset to the world. From climbing the world's largest peak, Mount Everest to venturing the eternity of space, we have left no stone unturned to captivate the world's attention towards our capabilities and skills which at times offended many. At the end of the day, it's not our task to help them make peace with our success and accomplishments. No matter how long or relentlessly they try to suppress our growth; we will always pounce back with an undaunted spirit.

In our daily lives, we often come across several instances where we are ignited with the values of being feminine. But according to them, what are the dimensions of femininity? Is it bounding women to the walls of the house, or discouraging them whenever they pour their heart out? "Lower your voice", "Come home before 7", " Learn some household chores", "Take care of your skin else no one will marry you", "Don't go out with boys" and the list of predefined rules of conduct for women in society is ambushed upon us almost every hour of the day. We are currently sustaining ourselves in a society where women are imposed with expectations of man and family which she is entitled to meet. Marriage is considered as her final destiny.

Ask yourself. We are more than this. We have wonders to explore and we are making significant progress in this regard. Empowerment of women will only take place when we all will understand the need to get empowered and the opposite sex will muster enough courage to get along and appreciate this empowerment.. Our efforts today will transcend to posterity, inspiring millions of other little girls and boys to live their life in their own way and conquer their world. Our size, colour, gender, caste etc never possessed the audacity to undermine our courage to lead the change. It is our opinions, ideas and urges that make us look radiant and vibrant from within.

This Women's day, be grateful for every struggle that landed you here and altogether support each other to achieve your dreams. Men and women are just gender identities none superior to the other. We both need support from one another to own our pedestals. No one can overpower or own the other. Every individual has the right and duty to maintain his/her individuality and we as humans should never try to demean or oppress fellow beings. Women have always prioritized their family, children and others over them. No matter wherever you go, there's always a heart of a mother praying for your well being, manifestations of daughters and sisters lauding your success and blessings and knowledge of teachers that accompanies you to every door you open.

Now it is the time to live for you and love yourself. We have a beautiful but tough world out there but our every effort made in progressive direction will make it a great place to live. We have emerged from a civilization which once denied almost every right to women in every field forcing them under the burdens of impositions but we understood the need to reach till here and celebrate our rights and skills. We have come a long way, but there are miles left to unravel.

Unfurling the flag of triumph in every field,

We affirmed that we need no man as our shield.
Overcoming the barriers in our progress,
Neglecting every gaze that rose to suppress.
Defying the norms those tried to bound,
We thrive in the world where equality is nowhere to be found. 
Those judgements tried to break us,
Inadvertently, they urged to wake us.
From the slumber of ignorance
To the light of Independence,
Braving the ravages of patriarchy since ages,
We victoriously turned those pages.
By achieving commendable heights,
We inspired every little girl dreaming of her flight.
We have come a long way,
But still have miles to go across the bay.

Happy Women's Day!


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