Taking Pride in Pride Month

June is celebrated worldwide as pride month

This world, which is running at a rapid rate to achieve unconventional heights, often lags behind when it comes to value and respect the feelings and identities of fellow citizens. Pride is a feeling of recognition, a sense of self-worth and acceptance, which was ignited in every heart on June 28, 1969 in Manhattan, New York when violent police raid was carried out in the Stonewall Inn which was explicitly owned by gay men. This actually fluttered the spark to fight for honor and dignity of the LGBTQIA+ community in order to sculpt an environment which can be inclusive towards the community. The violent clashes and six day long demonstrations led foundation stones of gay rights movement worldwide and painted this very issue in the limelight where world recognized the need to pay attention to this moral ground and inculcate an open-minded perspective to accept the preferences and sexual orientation of the LGBTQIA+ community.

Since then, the month of June is celebrated as Pride Month around the globe to acknowledge the contributions and struggles of the LGBTQIA+ community in nurturing this world and building an atmosphere that recognizes the essence of their truth as reality rather than a phase or disease. Pride Month not only marks significance for the LGBTQIA+ community but also appeals the world to value and accept this beautiful reality and celebrate the love every soul espouses. Breaking the taboos of homophobia, transphobia, biphobia, and a lot more, there is an urgent need to address this very reality at hand by accepting love beyond the bounds of gender, race, and caste.

In the 21st century, although the world seems to be advancing at a rapid rate, reaching unfathomable milestones but still homophobia is deep-rooted in ideologies of many parts of the world. Many countries haven't grown into a society that can accept and spread awareness about the LGBTQIA+ community as a completely normal thing rather it is either avoided to be brought on the conversation table or perceived as a disgrace and dishonor. In India, decriminalization of article 377 that now legally permits consensual same-sex relationships in the country were the greatest achievement in years for the country. Yet same-sex marriages are illegal, and the undeveloped and conservative ideologies which pose traditions and values as a reason to deny the growth makes it difficult to foster a society in which pride can rejoice.

Seeking inclusivity and acceptance,

We wandered in this world in search of independence.

Living inside the closet of unexpressed emotions,

Smothered by the voids haunting in damnation,

There was always room for fingers questioning our ways,

But none for hugs escaping us from that piercing gaze.

Breaking the taboos, we aim to rise,

From the eyes clung in between our thighs. 

Judgments from those insignificant sights,

The hashtags appealing for our rights,

Might trend for long,

But let that sink in...

There's nothing wrong.

It took us fright drenched courage to come out,

But a minute for you to regard it as a phase or doubt.

You say love has no bounds,

Then why is it assessed on such grounds? 

Closing the doors that took years to open,

We can't let reality go unspoken.

Let our sky radiate our truth and choices,

Let's foster an environment where pride rejoices.

This world still needs to understand the very basics of love and to refrain from judging it on their shallow and stumbled grounds. Everyone with their unique identity, sexual preference, gender, color, and race has a right to exist and own oneself. In order to be an ally in this progressive process, we must comprehend the concepts like neopronouns, progressive pride parades, pride flags, the pride spectrum, sexual identities, etc., so that we don't hurt or offend anyone inadvertently. We as youth of this world have a responsibility to build a future in which our forthcoming generations can proudly own themselves and can discuss their sexuality without being frightened, worrying about societal judgments, or embarrassed. This is our duty to normalize the existence of the LBTQIA+ community and counter the stigmas prevalent in this world.


#happypridemonth #acceptance #loveislove #pride 

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