U.K. COVID-19 Kent Variant May Be 70 Percent More Deadly, study finds.

Bad news for Britain battling a new strain of coronavirus. Recent research suggests that the Kent strain can be 70% more lethal. This report is based on several types of research conducted on the Corona's Kent variant.

British research has revealed that the Kent strain of coronavirus spread in the country is 70 percent more dangerous than the common coronavirus. Young women are getting more and more vulnerable to this strain. Bad news for Britain battling the new strain of the Coronavirus. Recent research by government scientists has revealed that Corona's Kent strain is spreading in the country, which can be 70 percent more deadly than the common coronavirus. This new type of Corona is being called Kent Strain. This report is based on several types of research conducted on the Kent variants of Corona. This new strain of Corona was found in the Kent area, so it is named the Kent variant.

British scientists said that the Kent variant is 30 to 70 percent more deadly than other strains of the coronavirus spread around the world. This research compared the hospitalization and death rates of patients suffering from other corona strains compared to the Kent variant. British expert David Strain said the results of this research are worrying.

David Strain said, "Because of the rapid spread of this virus, people (young women) are also vulnerable to it, which earlier there was very little danger. These people are also going to the hospital now. He said that earlier the web had the highest number of males in the grip of the corona, but now the ratio of female and male patients is 50: 50. So far, 40 million cases of coronavirus have been reported in Britain, and one lakh 17 thousand people have died.


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