Bell Bottom's Song Finally Out, Titled Sakhiyan 2.0

Much awaited song Sakhiyan 2.0 is out. The track is a remix of the previous song that was sung by Maninder Buttar.

The track of Bell Bottom has finally arrived. The song that has been causing a lot of hype for the past few days is here to win all your hearts. Sakhiyan 2.0 is a greeting to all desperate romantics, and we couldn't have asked for more.

Sakhiyan 2.0, is an ode to all lovers. The song features the lead couple Akshay Kumar and Vaani Kapoor, and we have to admit that their chemistry seems scorching hot. New version 2.0 of the original song is even better and comes with a remix. Chemistry between Vaani and Akshay, along with the scenery in the backdrop makes the song perfect.

Sakhiyan 2.0 is composed by Babbu, Maninder Buttar and Tanishk Bagchi and is sung by Maninder and Zara Khan. Talking about the song to The Times of India, Tanishk said: “Sakhiyan 2.0 is one of those melodies that you can't get out of your head from the first moment. It's an optimistic track and the way to make it. It was unforgettable. The songwriting with its rhythms and lyrics just fits together perfectly. "

Movie Bell Bottom features Akshay Kumar and Vaani Kapoor playing alongside Huma Qureshi and Lara Dutta. Movie portrays the 1980s and Lara Dutta plays the role of Indira Gandhi in the film. The company, run by Akshay Kumar, marks the first major Hindi film release on big screen after the second wave of C-19. 

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